Free VPS Update



After careful consideration, we have decided to implement a new policy requiring a ticket to be made every 3 months to retain your free or upgraded VPS services. This measure ensures that inactive VPS are terminated, freeing up space for new users.

If you currently have a free or upgraded VPS from before this change, your service remains unaffected. This policy only applies to new free and upgraded VPS.

How the Process Works

  1. Invoice Notification: Your product will be set to cost $0.01 every 3 months. You will receive an email notifying you about an invoice needing to be paid.

  2. Ticket Creation: Create a ticket under your product and request to renew your service for free.

  3. Alternative Payment: Alternatively, you can pay the $0.01 using any of our supported payment methods to secure your renewal.

Please note that we do not make any money from these orders.

Thank you for your understanding,